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Monday, April 15, 2002

Hughes Who in the Zoo?

But the reason I started to use that term is because it's a more accurate description. These are not suicide bombings. These are not people who just kill themselves. These are people who deliberately go to murder others, with no regard to the values of their own life. These are murderers. The President has said that in the Rose Garden. And I think that is just a more accurate description of what these people are doing. It's not suicide, it's murder.

Karen Hughes’ amateur-hour piss boy, also know as the Whitehouse Press Secretary, Ari Fleischer, explaining the Bush administration’s shift from use of the term “suicide bombers” to “homicide bombers.” That’s all fine and fucking dandy cuntbreath, but what, should we start calling the pilots dropping cluster bombs and daisy cutters on civilians in Afghanistan? Genocide bombers? Nah, let’s stick to rubble generators.

These women are contributing to the reorganization of Afghan schools that are rebuilding, literally from the ground up. Every stitch contributes to the great patchwork of support and stabilization for the people of Afghanistan.

First Lady, Laura Bush, announcing a program involving the sending of sewing kits to Afghanistan girls to attempt to provide jobs sewing uniforms that will be given to Afghan school children. Perhaps when they’re well trained enough, the dumb bitches can get jobs at Nike sweatshops with these fucking skills, but in the meanwhile, we trust the Fist Lady is negotiating with Matel to make Liberated Burka Barbie dolls that says clever little things like, “Math is hard” and “Burkas are so cozy”. And of course, “Sewing can be fun!”

What is happening in the Middle East now is not about Palestinian statehood, which we should support, but about Palestinian suicide bombers, which America and Israel must stop…the Bush administration has really muddied our moral clarity.

Whining loser, Connecticut Senator Joe Lieberman, speaking to the Florida Democratic Convention, stating that the United States risks losing the high ground and compromising America's own war on terrorism. This same war mongering motherfucker, who jacks off over violent and pornographic material on television so he can team up with like-minded cocksuckers such as Bill Bennett to “protect” our children, is going to have a hard time telling parents not to let their children watch the news when leadership like his condones sending missiles into refugee camps. No one’s suggesting suicide bombers are cool, but even Gary Condit is easier to listen to than this droning old pigfuck. Message to the tone deaf: Gore did not lose all by himself.

“Violence of whatever form, whether one would call it an act of terrorism or an act of resistance, at this point is counterproductive.” That's Secretary of State Colin Powell, commenting on this morning's suicide bombing near Haifa, in which a Palestinian Arab hit man murdered eight Israelis.

Is Powell speaking for the Bush administration here? Is it not the administration's position that the deliberate slaughter of civilians is terrorism, and that it is not merely "unproductive" but evil and intolerable?

Wall Street Journal’s, right wing nut, James Taranto, who, if he climbed any further up Ariel Sharon’s ass would actually turn into an Arafat-shaped dildo. His constant war mongering look at the Web and associated commentary is as about as balanced as Fox News. This twit’s world view is so abysmal, young Palestinians and Jews alike would sooner convert to Christianity and go to confessionals at the Boston Archdiocese than live in it.

The Middle East War is not about land and not about injustice. It is a religious war – a jihad -- against the Jews.

Reparations Queen of Mean, David Horowitz, (who gets his kicks by teasing stoned college kids by tricking them into little censorship tricks a monkey could execute), giving his two shekels worth (from reparations he probably pocketed from the victimized Jews he ass-kisses). Actually the war in the Middle East continues because ignorant sluts like this continue to spew self-righteous vitriol at others and are oblivious that the irrational, hateful, violent, murdering bastards they can’t criticize enough are their own reflections in the fucking mirror. If anyone thought you had the answers dickhead, you wouldn’t be sitting on your fat lazy ass with pre-cum stains from reading the latest Ann Coulter article and trying to relive your failed expectations as a student with kids who couldn’t give a fuck about who you are or what you have to say. Still.

I really love grassroots politics…I care a lot about issues that other people do: environmental protection and health care and education. And it was such a privilege to be able to talk about those things out on the campaign trail in 2000. So I don't know if I'll be a candidate, but it is something that I wouldn't rule out.

Like father like daughter, Karenna Gore Schiff, daughter of former Vice President and chad-stricken Presidential failure, Al Gore, titillating a really excited electorate with a maybe I will, maybe I won’t strategy that appears to have worked so brilliantly for Daddy. Do these people not read the fucking newspapers or watch television? Is this what happens in a world view shaped by Tipper Gore’s V-chip strong-arming? Is it so hard to recognize that people would rather watch you in a boxing match with Monica Lewinsky on Fox than see you spout off cookie-cutter election themes that sound about as intelligent as a Miss World contestant on ecstasy? We all care about the fucking environment, health care and education you stupid idiot. Talk about challenging issues like Middle East policy, cloning and campaign finance reform, lest people think you’re a blonde bimbo from the Laura Ingraham, Barbra Olson brigade. Oops, make that just the Laura Ingraham brigade.

As adults it is our responsibility to protect our children. By writing a foreword for this book, Joycelyn Elders has done the opposite…She is perpetuating harmful excuses for child molestation.

Majority Whip, Tom DeLay (R-Texas), calling on former Surgeon General Joycelyn M. Elders to repudiate her foreword and endorsement of Judith Levine’s book Harmful to Minors scheduled to be published this month. While this self-serving motherfucker (who looks like a genetically dubious cross between Ralph Reed and Gary Bauer) was probably the first to stab Elders in the back when, under the Clinton administration, she suggested that jacking off as an option for teens might be better for them than giving vows of abstinence to priests in confessionals. Any takers as to whether DeLay has even read the fucking book he’s criticizing. We must have missed the Press Release this dried up old asshole released decrying the killing of innocent children by picking up deceptively packaged bombs thinking they were food in Afghanistan. Of course DeLay’s deep concern for children doesn’t get in the way of his Sugarland, Texas fuckfests with Jeff Skilling and the Enron crowd. If sewerage was as profitable as electricity DeLay would be covered in nearly as much shit as he spews. Telling this prick to eat shit would be redundant at this stage.

As for Dick Gephardt and his premature demand for my resignation, I meant it when I told him to go fuck himself. I didn't ask for him to resign as a result of him being an impotent Minority Leader and for having screwed up the party.

Who needs to provide filthy language that would make a fucking sailor blush when we have convicted felon, the Honorable James Traficant (D-Ohio) (pronounced Traffic Cunt) expressing this sort of sentiment in a letter. Convicted on charges he demanded kickbacks from staff, took bribes and gratuities from Ohio businessmen, cheated on his taxes, and forced Congressional aides to labor on his farm, Jamie should be greasing his ass for a little down time in the Penn instead of writing dirty notes. Little wonder his biggest goddamn supporter is Steve Latourette (R-Ohio), who has threatened retaliation against prosecutorial leaks and just happens to sit on the House ethics committee. (Don’t hold your breath for him to recuse himself though – this is not Enron). We have a new fundraising idea, if not defense…LaTourettes Syndrome…an ailment afflicting smarmy politicians who fuck you over by lying, bribing and cheating while expressing the appropriate sentiments instead of cloaking them in niceties and pretending they’re doing it to protect your kids. Fuck you son of a bitch, and welcome to O-fucking-hio.


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