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Annoy.com Exhibition: Rudolph Giuliani

Strike a Pose...

Judy Nathan, Gracie too
Diallo, that is Amadou
Andres Serrano.. Damien Hirst
Decency above all first

Abner Louima, Holy See
Howard Safir, Hillary
Chris Ofili.. Pataki too
Sensation, NYPD Blue

Rudy has class
Rudy has taste
Brooklyn Museum, Sacred Waste
Disney.. Times Square.. Prostate Blues
Donna Hanover.. Bloomberg News

Vagina Monologues, Penis Passions
Tabloid Headlines, Fascist Rations
Funding Witholds, Catholic Leer
Virgin Dung, Madonna Smear

Rudolph Giuliani. 2001 Type C Print. 36" x 48"


November 12, 2001
Post Traumatic Press Syndrome
By Clinton Fein

December 21, 1999
Let's See...
A Letter to Five Senators from Elian Gonzales

By Clinton Fein

June, 1999
Vindictive Op-Ed Victim
Maureen Dowd's Pain

By Clinton Fein


Rudy's Rude
Vagina Dialogues
Jesus Loves You
Our Father
Causing a Stink

Registration required

Crime & Punishment


The deal elicited a quick celebration Wednesday night at Gracie Mansion with his publisher, Talk Miramax Books. But by yesterday, the size of his advance had the mayor answering questions about any possible conflicts it might present, given that Talk Miramax's corporate parent is the Walt Disney Company, the entertainment conglomerate that bases many of its operations in New York City.
New York Times covering the 3 million dollar book deal Mayor Rudy Giuliani inked with Talk Miramax Books. Included in the repertoire of the entertainment conglomerate are films 'Dogma' and 'Priest', both of which have drawn the ire of Catholics ranging from protests to boycotts.

If you want to desecrate religion in a disgusting way, if you want to promote racism, if you want to promote anti-Semitism, if you want to promote anti-Catholicism, if you want to promote anti-Islamism, then do it on your own money. Do not use the taxpayers' money to do that.
Mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani, February 2001, on his tax funded weekly radio address admonishing the Brooklyn Museum of Art for the display of Renee Cox's "Yo Mama's Last Supper" installation -- as he did in 1999 over the "Sensation" exhibition, that included Chris Ofili's painting of the Virgin Mary smeared with elephant dung. The exhibition proceeded despite the mayor's attempts to shut it down and withhold funding from the museum.

Christ is Lord of eternal life. Full right to pass definitive judgment on the works and hearts of men belongs to him as redeemer of the world. He "acquired" this right by his cross. The Father has given "all judgment to the Son". Yet the Son did not come to judge, but to save and to give the life he has in himself. By rejecting grace in this life, one already judges oneself, receives according to one's works, and can even condemn oneself for all eternity by rejecting the Spirit of love.
Catechism of the Catholic Church, Apostolic Constitution, Part One, Section Two, Chapter Two, Article 7, "From Thence He Will Come Again to Judge the Living and the Dead"

Ignorance and arrogance are a deadly combination.They run riot in the profession of journalism.
Mayoral candidate Michael Bloomberg in his book Bloomberg by Bloomberg

In addition to providing the BLOOMBERG PROFESSIONAL service, the company has global news, television, radio, Internet, and magazine and book publishing operations. BLOOMBERG NEWS began in 1990 as a financial news wire service and has grown to include 1,100 reporters in 80 bureaus worldwide. It provides stories and columns on business, general news, politics, and sports to leading newspapers and magazines throughout the world, from the New York Times to the Asahi News. BLOOMBERG TELEVISION®, a 24-hour business and financial news network is produced and distributed globally in seven different languages. It also provides syndicated market and technology reports to local news stations and produces two half-hour magazine format shows, BLOOMBERG SMALL BUSINESS and BLOOMBERG PERSONAL®.
Bloomberg Fact Sheet

This is not a political decision...And Michael Bloomberg is not going to win
Artforum Magazine, Editor Knight Landesman, September 17, 2001 defending the magazine's decision to ban an annoy.com exhibition advertisment featuring former New York mayor Rudy Giuliani because they believed it portrayed him in a negative light.


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